Jul 21Liked by Katie Cake

I'm impressed by that highly detailed puzzle! That must definitely involve a lot of focus (°__°)

Being bored nowadays almost feels like a superpower. I relate a lot to your views on social media: it is in fact, a way of looking at life through someone's lenses. But why is that so appealing?

I've been trying to embrace boredom by going to bed earlier. If there's resistance, I'll be reminding myself of your article!

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I feel like living life through the eyes of another is so appealing because it gives you an insight into what you could have, an almost longing. The resistance is completely normal, I’ve had sooo much resistance and still have it 🥲 it’s bladdy tough I’ll tell you! Thank you so much for reading though 🫶

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"I’m bored. BUT, I'm bored on purpose."

OMG - THANK YOU! my whole childhood my father said to me "boredom is a sin" (and I'm of the age that grew up in a time when the word "devices" meant some kind of tools to complete manual tasks, not electronic gadgets).

This morning, in the coffee shop waiting for my latte to be made, I watched everyone in the place scroll their phones. I left mine tucked away in my purse, and actually looked at the barista in the eye.

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Great stuff. Boredom plays an important role in life - we should all aim to have some in our life. Good for creativity and relaxing the brain/body. Thanks for this I just subscribed. Also love the Lake District - a week there alone sounds amazing!

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Oh for sure, having a week of boredom was actually very eye opening for me and I want to practise it more. My attention span doesn't always allow for it unfortunately, ha, but we're trying :) Thanks so much for reading and subscribing <3

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